Greetings! My name is Karina Quiroz and I am a 20 year-old high school student in search of improvement and new life opportunities. I've lived in Back of the Yards for most of my life. However, I attended a high school on the north side of the city for some time. I eventually transferred to Peace and Education Coalition High School in Back of the Yards, which is filled with many opportunities that a regular high school does not have. Peaceworks is a program within the school which helps young students by getting them a part-time job in Back of the Yards - not only are we paid cash but we get half a high school credit every 6 weeks of work as well. With this program, I was given a job at Plant Chicago.
I rate my experience working at Plant Chicago a 10 out of 10. The staff is very friendly and kind. The building is filled with beautiful plants. I learned a whole lot about plants just by having this job. There should be [an organization like Plant Chicago] in every neighborhood in the whole city - definitely an organization that is doing good things for the environment and community.
I love the concept of Plant Chicago. It's definitely a good organization with a worthwhile purpose. I love how sustainability and waste reduction is a main focus. Not to mention, I got to see how mushrooms are grown, which was quite interesting. I even got to taste some of the mushrooms cooked and was not disappointed. Anybody who decides to buy fresh produce will not be disappointed because all the foods live up to that term, "fresh." Everything is fresh. I would love to continue working here and appreciate the opportunity given to do so every Friday and Saturday.