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Recruiting Vendors for 2020 Indoor Market Season

Photo credit: Leah Kuhn Photography

Plant Chicago is excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the winter season of the Plant Chicago Farmers Market in our brand new space! We are looking for farms, food producers, and artisans for our monthly Saturday market.

Plant Chicago Farmers Market March 21st, April 18th, and May 23rd 11am-3pm 4459 S Marshfield Ave. Chicago, IL 60609

We are also looking for workshop and cooking demonstration leaders for our winter season. If you are interested in leading a market cooking demo, please contact Stef Funk ( If you are interested in leading a reuse/circular economy-related workshop during the market, please contact Liz Lyon (

Click here for the 2020 Winter Season application. Applications are due by February 24th by the end of the business day. Previous vendors are still required to fill out the application.


¡Plant Chicago está feliz en anunciar que estamos aceptando solicitudes para nuestra mercado del invierno! Estamos buscando cultivadorxs de vegetales y frutas, negocios de comida, y artesanxs para nuestro mercado.

Mercado De Plant Chicago 21 de marzo, 18 de abril, y 23 de mayo 11am-3pm 4459 S  Marshfield Ave. Chicago, IL 60609

También estamos buscando a líderes de talleres y demostraciones de cocina para nuestra temporada del invierno. Si esta interesadx en guiar una demostración de cocina, favor de comunicarse con Stef Funk ( esta interesadx en guiar un taller relacionado al re-uso de materiales/economías circulares durante uno de los mercados, favor de comunicarse con Liz Lyon (

Haga clique aquí para la solicitud. Todas las solicitudes para vendedorxs deben ser entregadas a nosotrxs antes del final del día de trabajo el viernes, 24 de febrero. Vendedorxs anteriores aún necesitan llenar la solicitud.

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Copyright Plant Chicago 2020

Plant Chicago is a registered 501(c)3 organization



4459 S. Marshfield Ave

Chicago IL 60609


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